A Brief Theatrical Survey
This brief survey intends to gauge issues with theatre accessibility, especially among young adults (but everyone is welcome to take it!)
How old are you? *
What generation would you most consider yourself part of?
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Do you enjoy theatre? *
If you answered "it depends" to the above question, what does it depend on?
What do you consider the number one obstacle for you in trying to see theatre? *
What do you consider other obstacles for you in trying to see theatre?
Would you be willing to reexamine your view on theatre if your issues were addressed? *
Would you be willing to reexamine your view on theatre if you were introduced to an alternative style of theatre that lacked many of the above barriers? *
If you were to go to a theatrical performance tonight and had no idea what it was about or what it would be like, what would you be hoping for? Please say as much or as little as you would like.
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