VAULT/Business Leadership application 2024-2025
I am requesting to be part of Vault.  
Vault is a group of students that will help 9th graders adjust to high school, guide students, mentor students, communicate with students, and improve school culture.

--I understand that Vault will require time outside of the regular school day
--I understand that Vault is a pathway and I can complete the pathway by taking Vault for 2 terms
--I understand that I am required to be a Freshmen Orientation and a summer training
--I understand that the Vault class will be an elective class
--I understand that I am to set and example for other students with my behavior
--I understand that school and grades are priorities and I must maintain a C average at all times to stay in Vault
--I understand that I will be expected to communicate with 9th grade students throughout the year
--I understand that I will be required to help with/run lunchtime activities
--I understand that I will be required to wear Vault clothing some days
--I understand that I will be enrolled in the class Fall or Spring Term 2024-2025

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Email *
Last Name
First Name
Current grade level
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Do you speak Spanish?
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Which term to do you prefer?
***This is not a guarantee!
Why do you want to be in Vault?
How would you like/what would you like to improve at Placer High School?
What characteristics do you have that will make you a great Vault team member?
What teachers would think you are a great student and would be a good team player who works hard?
Have you already communicated with your counselor about signing up for Vault?
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