ELO-P Application for Summer 2024 @ Pinetree Community School

The ELO Program is only available to students that meet certain criteria and have been invited by the Sulphur Springs Union School District. 

Completing this Application does not guarantee enrollment in the program.  Each ELO-P Application will be reviewed by District personnel to ensure the child meets the criteria required to be eligible for the ELO Program.  If the child is approved, and there is a spot available in the program, enrollment paperwork will be sent to you for completion and access to the program. 

Enrollment is in high demand and fills up extremely fast.  If the program is full, your child will be automatically added to the waitlist.

Important Note: The Sunshine Day Camp ELO Program, located at Pinetree Community School, is independent from our onsite child care, and is run in accordance with District and State ELO-P guidelines.

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Correo *
Parent/Guardian Information
What is YOUR First Name *
What is YOUR Last Name *
Parent/Guardian relationship to the child *
Parent/Guardian Phone Number *
Parent/Guardian Alternate Phone Number *
I confirm that I am the child's parent/guardian and can legally complete this registration form. *
Child Information
Is your child currently enrolled at Pinetree Community School? *
Child First Name (Legal Name) *
Child Last Name (Legal Name) *
Child Grade (Entering Grade Next School Year, 2024-2025) *
Is your child a foster child? *
Is your child currently experiencing homelessness?  If so, please use the school's address as the address for the child. *
Your child's home address (street, city, state, zip) *
The ELO-P (Expanded Learning Opportunity Program) is a State funded program designed to give children additional learning opportunities after school.  Curriculum includes PE, homework support, STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and math), and Social & Emotional Learning. 

Per State guidelines, ELO Programs have a student to adult ratio of 20 to 1 (10:1 for TK and K).  This means that while supervision is present, children are supervised in groups and not individually.  

Important Note:  This application is if for the summer 2024 ELO Program, beginning June 10 and ending July 26.  Program is closed on June 19 and July 4.  
I have read, understand, and have completed this application to the best of my knowledge.  

I understand that the ELO Program has very limited spots and is in high demand.  Completion of this application does not guarantee a spot in the ELO Program.  

You will be notified within the next 2 weeks regarding the status of your application.  

Type your full name below and then click the "submit" below to submit your application.  
Se enviará una copia de tus respuestas por correo electrónico a la dirección que has proporcionado.
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