Thank you for inquiring about The Cori Luv Show, an entity of Ladybug Media Management affiliate program. Please thoroughly review the agreement. If in agreement, submit the form and you will be contacted within 24-48 hours. 

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First Name AND Last Name *
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Instagram and Facebook Handle *
Mailing Address (PLEASE include your zip code) *
Commission payments are made monthly to your Paypal account.  Please double check your paypal email address. NO CASH APP or VENMO.
Paypal Email address

By submitting this form you are agreeing to be a part of The Cori Luv Show (TCLS), an entity of Ladybug Media Management, affiliate program. The Cori Luv Show is the sole owner and operator of the website. 

You, the affiliate will act as an agent on behalf of TCLS by referring traffic to the business website for the selected product by sharing links on your platform of choice.

TCLS reserves the right to accept or reject any prospective customer. 

You will be paid a 20% commission once a month on each product sold using your special affiliate code. 

This agreement can be terminated at any time. 
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