🚀 Free 60-Minute High-Performance coaching session (in exchange for completing this Form)

Hey everyone!

My name is Julia and I’m a High-Performance Coach conducting research to understand how ambitious people like you can break through performance obstacles to achieve your goals faster. Whether you’re aiming to scale your business, increase your client base, or earn more money, I’m looking for 10 individuals who are driven and know what they want but feel that eliminating obstacles could accelerate their success.

What I’m offering:  

- A free 60-minute high-performance coaching session with no strings attached.  

- During the session, I won’t be selling anything; it's purely for research and coaching purposes.

Who I’m looking for:  

- You consider yourself ambitious and have a clear vision of your goals.  

- You believe that removing obstacles in your performance will help you achieve success faster and potentially unlock more opportunities.  

What’s in it for you:  

- A deep dive into your performance and strategies to accelerate your results.  

- You’ll get a tailored coaching experience, helping you become even more effective in reaching your objectives.

How to Apply:  

If you fit this description, simply fill out this form with 11 questions. Please answer each question in as much detail as possible to help me understand your goals and challenges, and therefore help you more effectively!  

In the form, you’ll provide your email, and I’ll get back to you within 24 hours to schedule our session (I am based in Moscow, so there may be a time-zone difference).

Looking forward to hearing from you!
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Email *
1) How do you currently assess your performance in your personal or professional life? *
2) What are your current performance challenges? What specific area(s) of your performance do you feel need the most improvement? What are the biggest obstacles that prevent you from reaching your performance potential? *
3) How do you measure and track your progress in your performance goals? *
4) What specific outcomes are you hoping to achieve by improving your performance? *
5) What does success in your performance look like to you? How do you envision your ideal self performing in your day-to-day life or work? *
6) Do you ever worry that in order to stay motivated or to see results, you'll need to make sacrifices that you're not willing to make? If so, what kind of sacrifices would you worry about? *
7) Have you tried to improve your performance in the past? Was it a success or or failure? and why? *
8) What performance strategies, tools, or coaches have you tried before? What did you like or dislike about those experiences? Are there specific methods or systems that you found helpful or not helpful? *
9) Why did you choose to work with a coach (or not) in the past? *
10) How do you define success when working with a performance coach? What would make you feel that your time and money spent on performance coaching was worth it? *
11) What would help you feel more confident about the potential outcomes of coaching? *
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