SPNHC Education DemoCamp: Presenter Registration Form

Please complete and submit the following form to register as a presenter at the SPNHC Education DemoCamp. The deadline for presenter registration is June 3rd 2024.

We suggest preparing your materials and responses in advance before filling out the form. See our Presenter Notes for more details and an example.

In order to gain access to the Zoom meeting room, you will also need to fill out the general registration, which can be found on our website: https://spnhc.org/education-democamp/

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Email *
Email address of lead presenter *
First Name of lead presenter *
Last Name of lead presenter *
Affiliation/institution of lead presenter *
Presentation Title/Name of Activity *
Please list all presenters/authors including lead presenter/author. [e.g. Monfils, A., Central Michigan University; Bauer, J., University of Michigan; and Leith, E., University of Wisconsin-Madison.] *
Link to Resource. If you need assistance mobilizing your resource, please contact the DemoCamp organizing committee before submitting this form: EducationDemoCamp@gmail.com *
Citation for resource. [e.g. Monfils, A., Linton, D., Ellwood, L., Phillips, M. (2019). Data is the New Science. Biodiversity Literacy in Undergraduate Education, QUBES Educational Resources. doi:10.25334/Q4RR0R] *
Are there supplemental resources associated with your module? [e.g., linked videos or instructor supplements (like answer keys)] *
Attribution for image (link and/or citation; if you own the image provide your name indicating you have permissions to disseminate the image for public posting and we are free to use this image in association with your educational module) *
Target audience *
Time to complete *
Modality *
Students or learners completing this module will be able to.... [separate learning objectives with semicolons] *
Topic of activity *
Are there any specialized materials required for this module? If yes, please describe. *
Add three simple keywords to describe your activity, separated by comma. *
Does your lesson follow state, national, or other standards (e.g., Common Core, Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), Vision and Change, 4DEE)? If so, please describe below. If not, put N/A. *
Module Description (100 words; it is not necessary to repeat the information detailed above as it will be collated into the abstract volume) *
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