Submit Your Story
Hey You!
I'm Doreen the host of The Misadventures of the Young Adult.
It's such an honor to have you here filling out this form.
Fingers crossed that your story will be chosen to be read out.

Ground Rules:
1. No swearing. (If you do add some I will find a suitable alternative.)
2. No graphic description of sexual or violent activity.
3. Prejudice is not encouraged but stories will still be considered.
4. Use pseudonyms for the names of people in the story.
5. Story length should be more than 300 words.

What You Need To Know:
1. I will go through and edit bits and pieces to give a more story like feel but still stick to the entire jist of your story.
2. All submissions are anonymous unless you fill out that you want to be known.
3. I do have an interest as to why you want to share your story and I encourage you to fill that section out.

Happy writing,
All the best.

*all the rules above are subject to change at any point.
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Not required. You can also out a pseudonym if you want.
Social Media Account
If you want credit for your story I will put your social. Limited to Facebook, Twitter and Instagram only. Please indicate which platform.
Which Theme Are You Doing *
Why are you sharing this story?
Type of Story *
Title of Story *
Short Summary of Story *
Just the gist or main plot
The Story *
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