Hooky Educator Survey
Each submission and referral will serve an entry in our monthly $250 Amazon Gift Card raffle.
Learn more about us at Hookygames.com
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Email *
Please enter your official school email
Name *
Referral Offer
Was this form sent to you by someone? If so, please enter their first and last name. Share this survey to increase your chances of winning our monthly gift card raffle!
Current Role In Education *
Roles Held In Education *
Please Select All That Apply
Years In Classroom *
What Type Of School Have You Worked At *
Select All That Apply
State with longest educational tenure *
Grade Levels Taught *
Subjects Taught *
Please share how Covid-19 and digital learning has impacted your students and the classroom experience:
Have you used gamification in your classroom? *
Platforms such as Quizzizz, Quizlet, Kahoot, TopHat, Blooket
Please share your classroom experiences with gamification: *
Please share how you think gamification could be improved in the classroom: *
Are your students interested in any of the following? *
Would you use a gamification platform that converts a lesson plan via input form (similar to this one) into a video game centered around it? *
What fields would be necessary to put a lesson plan in an input form? *
Inputs in addition to Lesson Name, Key Points, Video Links, Vocabulary Words)
Would you be interested in sharing your classroom experience with gamification with Hooky via phone or Zoom? *
Would you be interested in subscribing to news and alerts about Hooky’s development and launch? *
Please share any additional comments about your experiences with digital learning or gamification
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