Thompson Aqua Student Introduction Form
Please fill out the following info so I can get to know you better
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Your Name (first/last) *
Name you go by (if different from above).
Name you'd like me to use when I call home (if blank, I'll assume your given name is fine). For instance, my husband goes by his first name at work but his middle name with his family since he and his dad have the same first name.
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Your Class Period *
What is the MOST IMPORTANT thing(s) I need to know about you? (This can be anything that will help me to be your best teacher. How you learn best, before/after school commitments, things that are going on in your life that might affect your school performance, etc.) This is YOUR space to tell me what YOU need to be successful/comfortable. *
My goal is to be the teacher that you need. How can I BEST help you to be your most successful self? *
How much do you agree with the statement "I feel like I am good at science"? *
Not at all
I'm practically an expert!
Where do you like to sit in the classroom? *
Is there anything that REALLY bothers you? (Mine is when people click pens constantly- DON'T DO IT!) *
What is something (school appropriate) that makes you happy? *
My biggest worry right now is.... *
What topic that we'll learn about are you MOST excited to learn more about this year? *
Are you looking forward to science class? *
Time for your help!
I'm newish to Kerrville! I live in Boerne, but am looking forward to learning more about Kerrville. What are some things that I need to know, places I need to go, etc?
What is one activity that I should TOTALLY not miss out on doing in Kerrville? Please make sure to tell me if it happens at a specific time- like "Go to this festival in the month of May b/c it's amazing" or "Go do blah, it's open year round"
What is a restaurant that I definitely need to try? What should I order that you think is delicious?
What is your favorite part of going to Tivy HS and why?
Is there anything else in Kerrville that you really like that I need to know about?
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