SPSA Goals 1-3 Parent Feedback Form
BVM is conducting the yearly evaluation of the site plan goals 1-3. As BVM parents, your feedback to our site plan and instructional goals is paramount to the direction we will take and the funding we will allocate to continue, revisit, or cancel initiatives. Please answer the questions through your parent perspective. We ask you to keep in mind that this is an unprecedented situation we are living under, some of our initiatives were not carried out due to the pandemic, and the goals we had in mind were also disrupted.
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LCAP Goal 1 Feedback
Ensure Excellence in teaching and learning so each student is prepared to succeed in college and career
1. Describe the BVM (teachers, programs, administration) efforts you used to improve your student grades? *
2. What supports are you seeing at your site specific to support students academically during this pandemic? *
3. How is your student performing during distance learning? *
4. To what extent do Virtual Tutoring services ensure that BVM students are able to master content and pass core content classes? *
5. To what extent do you see teachers utilize software purchased  by BVM such as Pear Deck and Brain POP in their daily instruction? *
6. What suggestions do you have to improve and/or build a culture of equity during distance learning model for BVM? *
7. To what extent do you find the BVM Web page useful to your needs? *
Not Useful
Very Useful
8. To what extent do you find BVM APP useful to your needs? *
Not Useful
Very Useful
9. What communication system is most effective for you as a parent to reach BVM staff? *
10. What tool do you use most frequently to obtain information to support your needs? *
11. To what extent do you find parent meetings such as Middle School Success, Title I General Meeting, Parent Report Card Days, and Coffee with the Principal able to create and maintain an open communication line between school and parents? *
12. To what extent do you find attendance efforts during this pandemic virtual environment (BVM Call-Task Force, Chronically Absent Calls, clearing absences via google form) effective in responding to your family's attendance needs? *
13. To what extent do you find counseling support efforts during this pandemic virtual environment effective in supporting your family's social emotional needs? *
14. To what extent do you find Student Recognition efforts during this pandemic virtual environment effective in fostering and honoring parent/student involvement. (Perfect attendance, spirit days, student leadership activities) *
15. To what extent do you find BVM efforts to meet virtually with parents and students during this pandemic effective in fostering and honoring parent/guardian engagement for all BVM families? *
16. Do you find Middle School 101 series, Coffee with the Principal, Parent support virtual meetings, Parent Progress Report Card Meetings educational and/or informational?   *
17. As a BVM parent, what would you like to see BVM staff do to support your family during this pandemic? *
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