Culinary, Pastry & Chinese Cuisine Online Expert Sharing - Event Registration Form


To who:
Either graduated or still studying!
Interested in culinary, Chinese cuisine and pastry!
Don’t know what subject you want to study!

Hurry up! Fill up and submit this form to participate in our online sharing sessions!
Our experts will help you get new and knowledge-based perspectives on culinary, pastry & Chinese cuisine world!
Přihlaste se do Googlu, abyste mohli uložit dosavadní postup. Další informace
20 NOV 2021 (SAT), 230PM - 430PM
21 NOV 2021 (SUN), 230PM - 430PM
Which online event you are interested to attend. Please choose for register. 您想参加哪一项线上活动呢? *
Have you joined our virtual sharing before? 请问您有参加过我们的线上分享会吗?
Zrušit výběr
English Full Name  英文全名 *
Please fill in "CAPITAL" letters 请填入大写字母
Identical Card Number 身份证号码 *
Without "-" (dash) & Space,无需“-”符号和空格
Mobile Number 手提电话号码 *
Without "-" (dash) & Space,无需“-”符号和空格
Who you are? 请问您是 *
Academic Level 年级 *
When you will sit for SPM/UEC/IGCSE? 你什么时候会考SPM/UEC/IGCSE呢? *
Name of School 就读学校名称 *
Email Address 电子邮件地址 *
Gender 性别 *
Race 种族 *
Address 地址 *
House unit/block number and street name only (Please fill in "CAPITAL" letters) 仅填写门牌和街名 (请填入大写字母)
Postcode 邮政编码 *
City 城市 *
Please fill in "CAPITAL" letters 请填入大写字母
State 州属 *
Which programme are you interested in? (You can select more than 1 option) 您对哪个课程感兴趣? (您可选择多个选项) *
What would you like to know from our Expert? We will try to answer you on the day of sharing. 在此分享会中,您希望从我们的精英中获得什么资讯呢?请留下您的问题,我们会尽量在分享会中回答。 *
How did you hear about our event? 您是如何得知此活动呢? *
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