Florida Film Critics Circle - Application
For anyone interested in joining the Florida Film Critics Circle (FFCC), the following survey has been designed for ease of application. 

If you believe you qualify under our current membership requirements, please fill in and submit the following questionnaire. 
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Correo electrónico *
Name *
How many pieces of film criticism (reviews, essays, interviews) did you publish in the previous year?  *
Please note that, per our current bylaws, members must write at least 25 pieces per year to remain in good standing. 
Primary Outlet, Freelance Publications, etc *
Please list any publications that you write for, including your primary outlet if you have one. 
Tell us about yourself and your interest in joining the FFCC *
Think of this as your cover letter. Tell us about yourself, your history in criticism, and why you're interested in becoming part of the Florida Film Critics Circle.
Have you been nominated by a member of the FFCC? *
Applicants must be nominated by a member to qualify, but if you do not know anyone who can vouch for you within the organization, you can still submit your application and someone may choose to nominate you. 
If yes, which member? 
Links To Your Best Pieces
Please include links for 3-5 pieces of criticism that you believe are your best, or best represent your work as a critic.
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