Guardian Home Application
Doodles of Norfolk
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Name *
Address *
Email Address *
Phone number *
Do you own your own home?  *
Have you read the Guardian Home contract? *
Please tell us why you would like to be considered to be a Guardian? *
If you become a Guardian to a female, are you aware that you are required to relinquish her to us for a period of 4-5 weeks, on average, during the whelping period? *Please note we highly encourage you to visit your dog regularly during the 4-5 week period.  *
Do you have knowledge of a female dog heat cycle? Are you prepared to handle the heat cycle of a breeding female? Are you willing to monitor her cycle and notify us within 24 hours of her cycle beginning? *
If you are a guardian home for a male, are you prepared to bring him to our home and/or vet as needed? Notice can be as short as 48 hours. Are you aware some breeding males may have issues with marking and humping? While not common, we want to make known this possibility. *
Do you agree to drive the dog to Medway Animal Hospital in Medway, MA for progesterone testing? This could be several times over a couple of weeks. *
Can you agree to keep Doodles of Norfolk updated on all veterinary, grooming, and training information? *
Describe the people and pets in your home (Adults, Children, Ages, and Pets). *
Do you have intact dogs in your home? *
Will you consider purchasing pet insurance for your Guardian Puppy/Dog at least while he or she is under our contract of care? *
Does anyone in your home suffer from allergies? If so, please explain. *
Socialization and training are crucial for the development of our future breeding dogs at Doodles of Norfolk. Do you commit to enrolling your puppy in professional obedience classes and ensuring they socialize with other friendly dogs and people during their puppyhood? Are you prepared to teach your dog essential commands like sit, stay, down, leave it, and to refrain from jumping on people? We place great emphasis on the socialization and training of our puppies, recognizing its importance in their overall development. *
Labradoodles or any type of doodle requires frequent grooming, usually every 6-8 weeks professionally, and brushed at least 2-3 times a week. Are you willing to commit to the grooming needs of a Labradoodle/doodle?
Puppies are naturally energetic and can exhibit behaviors such as barking, nipping, chewing, scratching, digging, having accidents indoors, and crying at night. Can you share your level of patience and describe your strategies for managing these common challenges associated with raising a puppy?
Would you be open to regularly capturing photos and videos of the puppy and providing us with frequent updates?
Are you comfortable with us visiting your home and also allowing the dog to spend time at our home to ensure a strong, ongoing relationship with the dog?

Do you acknowledge that Doodles of Norfolk may have to make certain decisions regarding the Guardian Dog, and are you agreeable to respecting and adhering to those decisions?

If Doodles of Norfolk decides that the professional working relationship is no longer viable, the agreement will be terminated, necessitating the immediate return of the dog to Laura Rymer at Doodles of Norfolk. Do you understand that Laura Rymer at Doodles of Norfolk retains ownership of the dog until all conditions of the contract have been satisfied?

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