SADC Youth Program Summer 2025 Scholarship Application
SADC offers a limited number of need-based partial scholarships. Families with a clear and stated financial need may apply for a scholarship here. 

Families must submit a separate application for each family member looking to receive a scholarship. Students may apply for a scholarship for up to 4 classes–select all that apply below. 

Before processing your application, we require a non-refundable $25 application processing fee that is applied toward tuition. You will need to create a Momence account if you do not already have one. 
  • Deadline to apply is Saturday, May 31, 2025 however, we do accept applications on a rolling basis if funds are still available. 
  • Applicants will be notified within 2 weeks of application. 
  • Full payment for the remainder of tuition is due by the first day of camp.
Please note that most of the time SADC is able to award families the scholarship percentage requested. This is a limited community resource supported in part by individual donors and SADC's capacity to underwrite the program. Thank you for applying only if finances are a barrier to participation in our programs.
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Email *
Student Full Name *
Student's Preferred Pronouns *
The answers to this question allow us to apply funds from certain grants towards our youth scholarships. 
Parent/Guardian Full Name *
Parent Email *
Cell Phone *
Have you received a scholarship from SADC in the past? *
In the space below please describe your financial situation and the reason you are requesting a scholarship at this time. This information is strictly confidential. *
% off requested for financial assistance *
Please check the percentage discount that you are requesting.
Please refer to our SUMMER 2025 SCHEDULE then check up to 4 classes for which you would like to receive a scholarship. 
AGES 5 to 7
AGES 8 to 11
AGES 12 to 18
If you have not yet done so, please pay the application processing fee here: Youth Scholarship Application Fee
Your application is not considered complete until this fee is paid. 
Questions, comments, notes?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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