New Vendor for Limestone Investments
Welcome! We need this information to get you into our system.
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Contact Name *
First and last name
Business Name *
Email *
Primary Phone *
This is the phone we can share with our tenants.
Secondary Phone
This is usually the owner's cell number or manager. We sometimes need this number after hours and is not shared with tenants.
Address *
This is where we will send your 1099
What does your business provide? *
Example: Plumbing, HVAC, Drywall, Painting etc. You can put as much as you like but start with your core business.
If you are licensed, please put your type and your license #.
References *
We need at least 3 names and phone numbers or emails from folks who recently used your services.
What is your preferred method for dispatching?
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How will you provide us with your W-9? *
If you don't have one handy, go here and complete this form: 
How will you provide us with your bank account information? *
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