Some Nights (Intro) Quiz
This is a mandatory quiz to confirm that you are qualified to continue listening to Robots on Typewriters. Please listen to Some Nights (Intro) from the album "Some Nights" by fun. and answer these questions.
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What does the protagonist of the song stare at while saying "Fuck it all"? *
1 分
What do you have every right to be? *
1 分
Some nights he lives in fear of the people on what? *
1 分
Tea parties and what? *
10 分
Never been so what? *
5 分
Have you listened to him lately? He's been going what? *
2 分
What's he usually just trying to get? *
1 分
What kind of vocalist can be heard in the background? *
3 分
What is heard at the end of the song? *
6 分
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