2021-2022 Cedar Ridge Elementary Kindergarten Registration
2021-2022 Kindergarten School Year Registration

Thank you for taking a moment to complete Cedar Ridge Elementary's online Kindergarten Registration. Part of the online registration will ask you for your start time preference. Start times are 9:15AM or 12:35PM for Kindergarten.

These requests are for KINDERGARTEN STUDENTS ONLY. Please remember this is a request, we do our best to honor these, yet there are circumstances in which we cannot honor all requests.

Below is a checklist of things you will need to complete the registration. When you are finished completing this form, you must come into the school to sign the paperwork this form generated.

-Registration Form Signed
-Proof of Residence (utility bill, mortgage bill, something tied to the home)
-Birth Certificate
-Student Health Information

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Home Zip Code: *
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(If different, enter street, city, state, zip)
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