Let's keep live music alive – Concerts & Festival survey

Hi there 👋, 

Great that you have made it here 🥳. 

What is this about 🤔
  • We – Seba and Dan – are passionate about going to concerts & festivals, have hosted some ourselves, and we are working on a project and potential start-up to support live music culture and people that share our passion. 

It's about your experience 💪 
  • That's why we would like to hear and learn from you and find out, how you inform yourself, discover concerts and festivals to go to and keep track of them.

Please take 5-10 minutes to share your wisdom in this survey. 

It would be amazing 🤩 & we highly appreciate your support. 

Thank you 🙏


Seba | Dan


PS: No personal data will be collected or shared unless you wish to do so. 

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