Questionnaire for parents on their experiences of their daughters going through menstruation
This is a completely anonymous survey, no one will know who has said what (including me). By submitting the survey you are agreeing to your answers being used in my dissertation. The results are to be used for a product design technology BSC(Hons) dissertation. Thank you. (P.S.: This survey contains credits to get free survey responses at
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At what age did your daughter start their period (if they haven't started yet please click N/A) *
Where you/are you nervous for them the start their period? *
If you where/are nervous, why?
Before they started their period did you talk to them about menstruation? *
On a scale of 1 being very little knowledge and 10 being a lot of knowledge, how much did your daughter already know about periods before you talked to her about it? *
A lot
How did you explain what periods are and would entail to your daughter? *
Would you have benefitted from there being more advice available to you on how you could have talked to your daughter about periods? *
Did you find it hard to have conversations about menstruation with your daughter? *
If yes, why?
How will/did you prepare for her starting her period? *
What products did you tell her about (or are planning to tell her about)? *
Which of these three product ideas do you believe should be brought to market? *
What would you like to see included in an app to help parents have conversations about periods and puberty with their daughters? *
What would you like to see included in a pre-made starter pack? *
What would you like to see included in an app which informs and supports young girls when they start their period in an age-friendly way? *
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