Harmony School ALUMNI FAMILY MEETING! SATURDAY, APRIL 18, 2pm (eastern/Bloomington, IN time)
Interested in joining us? Sign up here! We'll send you a reminder with the Zoom link and instructions the day before. If you can't make it, but want to connect to alumni outreach and organizing, email alumni@harmonyschool.org.
In attendance will be Roc Bonchek, Harmony teachers Sallyann Murphey, Ursina Hastings-Heinz, Lana Beck-Cruce (and maybe a few other surprises), new Alumni Coordinator Mandy Skinner, Development Director Fern Goodman, and one of our very first students, Marsha Washington.
We'll plan to talk for an hour or so and share some updates and stories. We'd love to hear from alumni about how you're doing in the midst of this pandemic, and what your life is like these days, whether you're still in Bloomington or halfway around the world. We'd also love to brainstorm ideas together for growing our alumni network.
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