Ready for Learning Plan 2020-Revised 4/14/2021
Dermott School District Ready for Learning Plan
Ensure the continuity of teaching and learning by providing a guaranteed and viable curriculum that includes blended learning (K-12) and diagnostic assessments (K-8);
During the District’s  summer Professional Development kindergarten through 12th grade teachers identified the Essential Standards, which they would be teaching and focusing on throughout the upcoming school year. Teachers created and/or revised lesson plans in BYOC to implement the identified essential standards. The Curriculum Coordinator will audit the curriculum to ensure that there are no gaps and repetitions in the curriculum. The Coordinator will also review the curriculum to ensure that the essential standards are included in the curriculum and that includes the learning.
For Diagnostic assessments, the interventionist will conduct testing for grades K-6 to identify the areas of improvement. Diagnostic Assessments include the following:
IStation- K-8
STAR--K-8 Math and Literacy
DSA---Development Spelling Assessment-K-6
Rapid Naming--K-6
Characters of Dyslexia--K-12
These assessments would allow the district to collect data, monitor the students’ progress,  identify weak areas, and develop an action plan to improve.  
The district will utilize the Literacy Specialist, Math Specialist, and Science Specialist through the Southeast Cooperative to give support to teachers and to model lessons
Identify how they will address unfinished learning from the prior year by using the Arkansas Playbook: Addressing Unfinished Learning or district developed resources
The district will utilize the Arkansas Playbook: Addressing Unfinished Learning as a resource to prepare remediation lessons for students.
In addition, the district has elected to use iStation and iReady Diagnostic Assessments provided by DESE for Grades K – 8. The district also utilizes STAR Math and Reading for grades 9-12.
Before/After school and summer school programs will be offered as allowed
 Utilize a Learning Management System-
Google Classroom & Suites
Canvas will be a supplemental resource.
Schedule teacher training for how to use the LMS-
See PD plans below
Schedule teacher training for blended learning (delivery of instruction)-
See PD plans below
Dermott School District Return to Learning *Virtually* Summer PD Plans
Technological Innovations for Teachers and Students
This PD has been designed to get Dermott Teachers ready to enter the 2020-2021 school year using Google Suites.
Enduring Understandings:
There is a strong possibility that we will end up in a fully virtual school year.
A virtual environment, enacted from the beginning, will allow for as smooth a transition as possible.
It is better to plan for full virtual because you can always walk it back.
Ending Statements for PD
I have created all of my classes in Google Classroom.
I have created a classroom assignment, via Google Docs, and assigned it, creating a separate copy for each student. (assignment must have the name of the standard being taught. I.E. RL-1.7.4)
I have converted a PDF to a Google Doc and uploaded it into Google Classroom.
I have created a quiz, using Google Forms, and uploaded it into Google Classroom.
I have used Screencast-o-matic to record a (mini)lesson, and uploaded it to Google Classroom.
I have the first 2 weeks of instruction for all classes digitized and uploaded to Google Classroom.
Training Schedule:
Day1(July 13, 2020)--Lower Elementary(PreK-4)-  Teachers participate in Technological Innovations for Teachers and Students
Day 2(July 14, 2020)-- High School Teachers participate in Technological Innovations for Teachers and Students
Day3(July 15, 2020)--Canvas Virtual Training
Day 4(July 16 ,2020)-- High School Teachers participate in Technological Innovations for Teachers and Students
Day 5(July 20, 2020)-- Upper Elementary(3rd-6th) gradesTeachers participate in Technological Innovations for Teachers and Students
Google Cheat Sheet for Teachers was provided to teachers for a resource.
Use effective technology for parents and students
All students who opted for virtual at home learning were issued a district device (iPad K-2 & SPED, Chromebooks 3-12), allowing with the necessary chargers, and accessories.
Students who are face to face were also assigned device for daily on campus use.
Due to Covid-19, technology will be a priority in our instructional delivery.
Families were surveyed to determine technology and internet needs.
The district will utilize federal, state, and local funds to support student technology needs.
Each student will receive a school owned device for virtual or blended learning.
distributed according to state guidelines.
During virtual open house the district provided parents training in the use of technology and a simple training in use of Google Classroom through the use of videos and handouts(instructions)
Google Cheat Sheets for Students
Google Cheat Sheets for Parents
Provide a written communication plan for interacting with parents, students, and the community regarding day-to-day expectations.
Publications of Covid-19 Letter,  Re-Entry Plan, Frequently Asked Questions, and Other Correspondence will be available for students and parents through the website and via mail. Notifications through School Messenger and Facebook were sent out throughout the community. Scheduled onsite meetings for students and parents, who had chosen the virtual.
K-2 Students---August 6, 2020 (1st session)
3-6 Students----August 6, 2020(2nd session)
7-9 Students-----August 7, 2020 (1st Session)
10-12 Students---August 7, 2020 (2nd Session)
The following topics will be discussed at the scheduled meetings:
Policy changes
ExtraCurricular activities
Correspondences and school-related messages are available to our parents and as well as community.
Update-October 1, 2020
  “Virtual Day”
What is a Virtual Day and what would the day look like?
Virtual Day would take place on Fridays.
Students’ Virtual Day is where virtual and traditional students would have an option to come to the school to meet with teachers either in group sessions or individually to receive additional academic assistance, by appointment with the teacher.  All students will complete assigned tasks located in Google Classroom. Attendance will be taken. Students will be able to come up and take assessments, by appointment with the teacher.
Students who need to remain on campus during a virtual day would follow their schedule and attend classes.
Dermott School District’s Teachers
Teachers’ Virtual Day is where teachers will be on campus and available to students and meet with students either in a group sessions or individually to ensure that the district is meeting all students’ academic needs and to provide students’ additional academic assistance, if needed. Dermott School District’s teachers will conduct group sessions based on the academic needs of the students(traditional and virtual). Dermott School District’s teachers would also conduct individual sessions based on students’ individual needs. DSD’s Teachers will take attendance based on the students completed tasks.
Dermott School District’s Counselor
The Counselor will set up group sessions based on the students’ social, behavioral, and mental needs. She would also meet with students’ to discuss their academic needs and other options.
Dermott School District’s Maintenance/Custodial Staff
This virtual day would allow the maintenance and custodial staff to disinfect the buildings thoroughly.
Revised 10/06/2020
Virtual Day Teacher Expectations and Checklist
The Virtual Day is intended to give teachers much needed time to prepare to teach in this new environment. However, this is still a student interaction day.
Teachers are expected to:
Take attendance for all classes.
Be available via Google Meet to all classes.
Help students with assignments for your classes.
Allow virtual students to come on campus to take assessments or receive assistance if needed. This is by your appointment only!

Because interaction with students is virtual, teachers will be expected to:
Grades Posted
Assignments drafted in Classroom

Before you leave at 3:30 on Fridays, you are to document on the chart above that you have completed the tasks required for all your classes. Turn a printed copy into the office.
Time out:_________________________________
Revised 10-14-2020
The DSD school board approved the continued wearing of masks through the end of the 2020-2021 school year.
Mask Policy
The Dermott School District will continue the directives and guidelines as outlined in our Re-Entry Plan and the upcoming Ready to Learn Plan.. Masks are required at all times, which includes transportation to and from school. Our mask mandate covers students, staff, parents, or any visitors. You will NOT be allowed to enter ANY building without a face covering.
Covid Sick Leave Policy was approved in January that states (place the sick leave policy in there)

The District may provide up to an additional ten (10) days of paid leave with superintendent’s approval for its employees who meet both of the following requirements:

The employee is ordered by the District, a medical professional, or the Arkansas Department of Health (ADH) to quarantine or isolate due to COVID-19 for one of the following reasons:
Testing positive for COVID-19;
Experiencing COVID-19 symptoms and seeking a medical diagnosis; or
Is a probable close contact or close contact.; or
Needs to care for a dependent who is subject to a quarantine or isolation order; and

Quarantine Options include the following:
If quarantine is the option, then the teacher will be required to work remotely.( teaching students remotely)
Isolation options include the following:
If isolation is the option, the teacher will not be required to work remotely.

The employee is responsible for providing the District proof that the employee or the employee’s dependent has received a quarantine or isolation order. The proof may be in any of the following forms, as applicable:
A positive test result;
Proof of receipt of a PCR test;
A written quarantine or isolation order from the employee’s or the employee’s dependent’s treating physician, the ADH, or the District’s Point Of Contact (POC); or
Written notification of close contact or potential close contact status from ADH, the District POC, or another district’s POC if the close contact is from another district.

In addition to other appropriate documentation, employees who intend to take leave under this policy due to the need to care for a dependent must submit a written statement indicating the relationship with the dependent, the dependent’s age, and that the employee is the only individual capable of caring for the dependent.

Caring for a dependent would require the teacher to quarantine and will be required to work remotely.(teaching students remotely)

Upon notification that an employee has received a quarantine or isolation order, The District shall review whether the employee has applicable leave remaining under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) and this policy.
If an employee has applicable leave under the FFCRA and this policy:
The District shall use available leave under the FFCRA first
The District shall use the employee’s available FFCRA leave until the earlier of the expiration of the quarantine or isolation order or the exhaustion of the employee’s FFCRA leave;
The District shall automatically switch the employee to use leave under this policy, if available,2 should the employee’s quarantine or isolation order last longer than the employee’s FFCRA leave; and
The District shall automatically switch the employee to another form of applicable District provided paid leave, if available and with superintendent’s approval, should the employee’s quarantine or isolation order last longer than the employee’s available leave under the FFCRA or this policy.

If an employee has applicable leave under the FFCRA or this policy but not both:
The District shall use the employee’s available leave until the earlier of the expiration of the quarantine or isolation order or the exhaustion of the employee’s available leave; and
The District shall automatically switch the employee to another form of applicable District provided paid leave, if available, should the employee’s quarantine or isolation order last longer than the employee’s available leave under the FFCRA or this policy.

If an employee has no leave remaining under this policy or applicable leave under the FFCRA, then the District shall use another form of applicable District provided paid leave, if available.

An employee who receives COVID Emergency Leave shall be paid the employee’s full daily rate of pay for up to ten1 (10) days. The ten1 (10) days of COVID Emergency Leave may, but is not required to, run consecutively. An employee shall not have days charged against the number the employee is eligible for under this policy for days when the employee is not expected to perform duties, such as holidays.3 The ten1 (10) days of paid leave provided under this policy shall be used for eligible leave before other forms of District provided paid leave are used, including sick leave, personal leave, and vacation.

Days will be approved by superintendent.

An employee’s eligibility to receive paid leave under this policy expires on March 31, 2021 and will review the policy.


The District may provide up to an additional ten (10) days of paid leave with superintendent’s approval for its employees who meet both of the following requirements:

The employee is ordered by the District, a medical professional, or the Arkansas Department of Health (ADH) to quarantine or isolate due to COVID-19 for one of the following reasons:
Testing positive for COVID-19;
Experiencing COVID-19 symptoms and seeking a medical diagnosis; or                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
Is a probable close contact or close contact.; or
Needs to care for a dependent who is subject to a quarantine or isolation order; and

The employee is responsible for providing the District proof that the employee or the employee’s dependent has received a quarantine or isolation order. The proof may be in any of the following forms, as applicable:
A positive test result;
Proof of receipt of a PCR test;
A written quarantine or isolation order from the employee’s or the employee’s dependent’s treating physician, the ADH, or the District’s Point Of Contact (POC); or
Written notification of close contact or potential close contact status from ADH, the District POC, or another district’s POC if the close contact is from another district.

During quarantine at any time there will be some tasks to complete to validate the compensation earned.

Virtual Arkansas Facilitators will have to facilitate remotely.

Other classified staff will have to complete some type of assigned tasks given by their immediate supervisor or superintendent.

During isolation period classified staff will not complete any assigned tasks or facilitate remotely.

In addition to other appropriate documentation, employees who intend to take leave under this policy due to the need to care for a dependent must submit a written statement indicating the relationship with the dependent, the dependent’s age, and that the employee is the only individual capable of caring for the dependent.

Upon notification that an employee has received a quarantine or isolation order, The District shall review whether the employee has applicable leave remaining under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) and this policy.

If an employee has applicable leave under the FFCRA and this policy:
The District shall use available leave under the FFCRA first
The District shall use the employee’s available FFCRA leave until the earlier of the expiration of the quarantine or isolation order or the exhaustion of the employee’s FFCRA leave;
The District shall automatically switch the employee to use leave under this policy, if available,2 should the employee’s quarantine or isolation order last longer than the employee’s FFCRA leave; and
The District shall automatically switch the employee to another form of applicable District provided paid leave, if available and with superintendent’s approval, should the employee’s quarantine or isolation order last longer than the employee’s available leave under the FFCRA or this policy.

If an employee has applicable leave under the FFCRA or this policy but not both:
The District shall use the employee’s available leave until the earlier of the expiration of the quarantine or isolation order or the exhaustion of the employee’s available leave; and
The District shall automatically switch the employee to another form of applicable District provided paid leave, if available, should the employee’s quarantine or isolation order last longer than the employee’s available leave under the FFCRA or this policy.

If an employee has no leave remaining under this policy or applicable leave under the FFCRA, then the District shall use another form of applicable District provided paid leave, if available.

An employee who receives COVID Emergency Leave shall be paid the employee’s full daily rate of pay for up to ten1 (10) days. The ten1 (10) days of COVID Emergency Leave may, but is not required to, run consecutively. An employee shall not have days charged against the number the employee is eligible for under this policy for days when the employee is not expected to perform duties, such as holidays.3 The ten1 (10) days of paid leave provided under this policy shall be used for eligible leave before other forms of District provided paid leave are used, including sick leave, personal leave, and vacation.

All Days will be approved by the superintendent.

An employee’s eligibility to receive paid leave under this policy expires on March 31, 2021 and will review the policy.

Revised 04/14/2020

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