Discovery Session with Ivette Desai
 Thanks for taking the time for you. Let’s get you on the books and talk about how an Ayurvedic Lifestyle will change your life. Before I take a client ( and before you make an investment in support), It is best to know if we are a good fit. Filling this form out will help us make the best of our time together.
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Email *
Full Name: *
What challenges are you currently facing with your health? *
How are you feeling? *
Tell me a little more about what is going on. Check all that apply. *
THRIVING is about better habits for an easeful life *
I want to take better care of myself
I want to eat healthier foods
I want to sleep better
I want more energy
I want to feel amazing in my body
I want to cook for myself more often
I want to understand how my body work
I want to feel calm and grounded
Describe in more detail what health breakthrough, or major life shift, you want to experience. Seriously- take a minute to tell me what you want. *
Anything you want to add to the items above? *
I could really use support around....
If you really knew me you would know that...
What is your current level of commitment to accessing these health/emotional/physical health break throughs?
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Please schedule your discovery session by clicking on the link below. A zoom link will be sent to you.  I can't wait to speak with you! Thank you!
How did you hear about this ? If you heard about this from a friend, please share the name and contact information so I can thank them personally. THANK YOU FOR MAKING THE TIME TO COMPLETE THIS FORM!
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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