Completed Final Project Report/Submission Form - 2024 GLOCAL CANConnect Micro-grants for Empowering Canadian Youth in Digital Civic Leadership and Service

Through CANConnect (Micro-grants for Empowering Canadian Youth in Digital Civic Leadership and Service), the GLOCAL Foundation of Canada aims to equip youth with civic knowledge, digital skills, and experience in civic engagement and democratic participation in Canada.

With mentorship and digital civic training available from the GLOCAL team, participants will carry out creative, digital civic engagement initiatives, individually or as a group, that are relevant to their local, regional or community concerns and circumstances in Canada.

This includes encouraging them to develop initiatives that provide accurate information on how Canadian democratic institutions work, help navigate the political system, and/or help understand current and historical events in Canadian politics. This fosters a deeper understanding of the democratic process and encourages informed civic participation.

Format of Projects:

Final outputs in the format of research project, short video/documentary, website/games, or infographics/visualization projects.

For example (not limited to these ideas):

Applicant A aims at creating a research project help newcomers understand the provincial health system in Ontario.

Applicant B plans to film a short video of the life the challenges of homelessness in his/her community.

Applicant C strives to create a website portal gathering all *** policies and services in Canada.

Applicant D works on research garbage collection practices in the top 20 cities in Canada and provide data/info visualization. 

Applicant E hopes to write a book about his family's journey to Canada.  

Eligible youth:
Canadian citizen, permanent resident or refugee status aged 15-30.

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Email *
What type of FINAL PROJECT are you submitting? *
Your Legal Last Name (If you are submitting a group project, please enter the project leader's last name) *
Your Legal First Name (If you are submitting a group project, please enter the project leader's first name) *
If it is a group project, please list each participant's FULL legal names and email addresses. 
(*Please note that you can also add more members to your team before you submit the final project).
What do you prefer to be called (if different from your legal first name)?
Which age group do you belong to? *
Your province or territory of residence
[Optional] We would love to invite you to any future in-person events we organize in your city! If you are interested, please enter your city of residence (you can list more than one city):
What is your current status? (Successful grant recipients will need to show proof of legal status) *
You have the opportunity to include a general self-introduction (50-100 words) to be shared to the internal and external grant application reviewers. Please feel free to use the space to introduce your background or project so judges may better understand the context and the project. *

Please provide your Final Project Title.


Project Description:

Clearly describe the topic, objectives, and the specific issue or challenge your project aims to address. Explain the significance of your project and how it aligns with the goals of civic engagement and civic knowledge mobilization of CANConnect and the GLOCAL Foundation. (250 words max.)

Final Project:
Please upload your final project to your drive associated with your GLOCAL email, Google Drive or another cloud service and share the link below. Please make sure that you set the access to "Anyone with the link" can "Edit". If you have any technical question, please contact GLOCAL staff or email Provide the link below:
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Important: Responsibilities for Financial Record-Keeping, Compliance, and Audits
Please ensure full compliance with financial guidelines by avoiding ineligible expenses and retaining all receipts, invoices, and financial records for six years (April 2025 to March 2031). The Government of Canada and GLOCAL reserve the right to conduct an audit of these records during the 6-year retention period. 
What is your education level?  *
To comply with government reporting requirements, please indicate which demographic indicators apply to you in the following questions. [Optional]
Is this your first time participating in our program? 
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What is your gender?
Do you identify as part of the 2SLGBTQI+ community? 

(2SLGBTQI+ stands for Two-Spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, and additional people.)
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Do you identify as a member of a visible minority or racialized group?
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Do you identify as a person with a disability?
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Do you identify as Indigenous (First Nations, Métis, Inuit)? 
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Do you live in a:
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Which official language do you prefer to use? 
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Do you belong to an official language minority community?
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Are you an immigrant?
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Are you a newcomer to Canada (landing in the last 5 years)?
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Do you come from a low-income family?
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Did you know that the definition of a minor is DIFFERENT across Canada? Are you old enough to be considered an adult in the province where you live? Please refer to the Government of Canada’s guideline for details:

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By typing your name below, you acknowledge and affirm that you are electronically signing this application, thereby indicating your agreement to the terms and conditions outlined in the Volunteer Agreement. You understand and acknowledge that your electronic signature holds the same legal weight and validity as a manual signature on this application.      

If you are a minor, you agree to obtain parental consent to complete the next question.
By having your parent(s) or legal guardian(s) type their name(s) and email address(s) below, they acknowledge and affirm that they are electronically signing this application, thereby indicating your agreement to the terms and conditions outlined in the Volunteer Agreement. You understand and acknowledge that your electronic signature holds the same legal weight and validity as a manual signature on this application.            

If you are considered a minor in your province, please have your parent(s) or guardian(s) review the document below and type their name below.
If applicable, what school are you studying at or graduated from? Please specify the program/major/degree. (Optional)
What languages do you speak? (Optional)
Do you want to share with the team about your own cultural, ethnic, and academic background? (Optional)
Do you have any questions or concerns about this program? 
Please confirm that you have read the following Research Guidelines document:
Please confirm that you have read and agree the following Privacy Policy at GLOCAL: *
Please confirm that you have read and agree the following Participation Instructions and Criteria:  *
What are the goals you hope to achieve or skills you want to develop through CANConnect? *
Would you like updates latest program updates, job opportunities, training, and workshops sent to your email address?  *
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