r/Phoenix Mod Application
We mods of r/Phoenix try to collaborate on our decisions for the subreddit to make it a solid community resource for people in the Valley. It can be frustrating at times, but if you're interested in putting some time into making this place better we would love to hear from you.

All responses will be kept confidential.
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Please link us to your profile (e.g. https://reddit.com/user/AZ_Moderator) *
We use Discord as a means to communicate as a team. Are you willing and able to join us there? If so, what is your Discord username? *
You don't have to be a big Discord users, but if you are not willing to join us in Discord, we will not consider your application.
When are you usually on Reddit or able to moderate?
Early morning, late night, all day, etc.
How much experience do you have moderating (if any) and where?
Where in the Valley do you live?
How long have you lived in the Phoenix area?
Have you read the https://redditforcommunity.com articles at all?
Which ways do you use Reddit?
What do you like best about the r/Phoenix subreddit?
Could be favorite posts, types of content, or anything else you think is valuable.
What addition could moderators make which would improve the subreddit? (e.g. a particular weekly thread, you could suggest a new rule, etc.) *
Why are you interested in helping moderate? What do you think you could bring to the subreddit?
Anything else to add?
These next questions are OPTIONAL, and we're only asking because we want to try and have different views and perspectives on the mod team as much as we can.
How old are you?
Clear selection
How do you identify?
Select all that apply
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