The Eagle Subscription 2025
We're back! This year we are putting out four magazines filled with award winning news about our GlenOak Community. But, we can not do this without your support.

If you are interested in subscribing to the Eagle please fill out this form, and then visit to complete your payment.

No subscription is complete without payment. Payment may be made online ($10 minimum) at  Please just scroll down and click "make donation" to complete your purchase.
For in school donations cash and checks may be brought to C208 or placed in Mrs. Spano's mailbox in the main office.
For mail donations please send to the following address.  All checks should be made out to GlenOak High School.
Attn: Angela Spano
GlenOak High School
1801 Schneider St. NE
Canton Ohio 44721

When payment is received we will email you with confirmation of your subscription.

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Name (First and Last) *
Subscription type *
Email address *
Mail Address (for home delivery only)
GlenOak Students and Staff ONLY: What is your 1A Classroom or 1B class.
Non-GOHS Plain Local Staff ONLY: What building are you at?
Name of student who sold you subscription.  If not known you can put adviser. *
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