Data Science Project Proposal Evaluation
This form is to be completed by due July 2, 2021 by 11:59pm (CT). Students will need to complete the form separately for each proposal they are evaluating. Mentors will need to complete the form for each project they are supervising.
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E-Mail-Adresse *
What is your name? *
Are you a mentor or a student? *
What is the proposal title that you are evaluating? *
Is this project aiming at a clinically relevant  problem? *
If your answer to the previous question is "No" or "Maybe", could you elaborate on your concern?
Based on the description provided in the proposal, is the research question well-motivated? *
Do you have any comments regarding the question above?
On a scale of 1-5, is the data appropriate for addressing the proposed problem? The data relevance, quality and size, and relevance should be considered. *
The data is irrelevant to the proposed problem
The data is of high quality and has very high potential
Do you have any comments regarding the question above?
On a scale of 1-5, based on your experience, how difficult is the data processing/analysis involved in this problem. *
Trivial (such as summary statistics)
Very difficult (due to complex data structure, size or other factors)
Do you have any comments regarding the question above?
Do you think the project can be successful without much help from the mentors? *
Very likely
Do you have any comments regarding the question above?
Based on your experience, how much time (in hours) would it require to complete this project? *
Please consider that each team consists of two students, and the amount is for each single student.
Do you have any comments regarding the question above?
If the project is carried out as planned,  on a scale of 1-10, what would be the potential impact? *
Very little
Very strong
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