Youth, Tech, and Wellbeing: Building a Better Tech Future event in DC on Aug 17th from 4-6pm | INTEREST FORM
All Tech Is Human and the Australian Embassy in DC are teaming up for a mixer + panel gathering for researchers, designers, advocates, technologists, academics and more that are working at the intersection of technology, wellbeing, and youth. This gathering will be held at the Australian Embassy in DC.

Are you interested in being involved? Please indicate your interest through the form below. Space is limited.

All Tech Is Human is a non-profit committed to co-creating a tech future aligned with the public interest. Our wide range of activities fall under three key workstreams: multi0stakeholder convenings & community building, multidisciplinary education, and diversifying the tech pipeline with a variety of backgrounds and lived experiences. Join our community Slack community of over 3.1k members across the globe, join a collaborative working group, attend our summits and mixers, read our reports, take part in our mentorship program, and more. You can find all of our projects, including our latest report on AI and Human Rights, at

This gathering will be a multi-stakeholder mix across civil society, government, industry, and academia. To see the over 400 individuals and organizations that All Tech Is Human has had involved in its previous gatherings and reports, visit:

Questions? Email

Name *
Email *
Title / Association *
What is your interest and involvement in this topic area?
This gathering is being held in Washington, DC. Would you be able to attend in person?
Seçimi temizle
Are there any resources related to this topic we should be aware of?
We are always trying to find additional people and organizations to include. Are there any individuals and/or organizations you would recommend being involved in this gathering?
Additional comments
Thank you for filling out this interest form! We will be reaching out shortly.
Additional questions? Please reach out at
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