Discovering a God Who Hungers for Justice
Registration  for the Weekend in at the Catholic Worker Farm led by The Faith and Resistance Network & FaithJustice.
Friday 28th - Sunday 30th June 2019
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First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Phone *
Address *
Age *
I can come for the whole weekend. Friday evening until 3.00pm on Sunday. *
If you've ticked no above please specify your participation
Accommodation *
Special Accommodation Needs
Dietary Requirements
Would you like to help with:
If you've ticked any of the boxes above, please specify how you would like to contribute:
Anything else you'd like to tell us?
I consent to joining the FaithJustice Mailing list, I undertand that my data will be held securely, and that I can request to be removed by emailing 
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