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Thank you for deciding to sponsor Run4Mission.
Please fill in this form to help us keep track of the different donations. Thank you!
God bless you!
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First name / Last name *
Email address *
Phone number
Please indicate who you are sponsoring *
If you marked 'I sponsor a runner', please specify his/her name:
The way you chose to donate is: *
Please specify the amount of your gift: *
Please let us know the country from which your donation is made: *
Please let us know if you would like to obtain a tax deductible receipt. (We will contact you to let you know if there is an option to provide this, depending on the country from which you are donating.) *
In case you sponsor a person that runs on the day, please let us know if you would like us to:
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I allow Run4Mission to check if the donation goes through before the race. *
I understand how to make the donation. *
Any comments are welcome!
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