Together in Jesus First Reconciliation "Jesus, What Should We Do?" Lesson 3, Part 2, October 25, 2020
Welcome to your third "Together in Jesus" Reconciliation Lesson. The "Together in Jesus" program is designed to prepare you to receive the Sacrament of First Reconciliation. Through biblical stories and hands-on activities you will learn about the Ten Commandments, how to love and forgive each other as Jesus teaches, and how to prepare to make a good confession.
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In this lesson "Jesus, What Should We Do?" you are going to turn to page 3 in your Lesson 3 Booklet. Once again, you are going to be doing some role playing by pretending you are people in Jesus' time. Read "Jesus, What Should We Do? This is a story taken from Matthew's Gospel of Jesus' Sermon on the Mount. When you are done please answer the questions below.
What did the people in the story want Jesus to teach them to do? *
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What did he tell the people to do? *
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What did Jesus say we were to do to people who hurt us? *
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Jesus said to the people "Treat others the same way you want them to ____________ __________. *
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Great job on role playing again!! You can clearly see in this story that the people were having a hard time understanding what Jesus wanted them to do. Jesus is telling us in this story that not only does he want us to keep the Ten Commandments but he wants us to do even more - to love our enemies, to forgive those who hurt us, to go the extra mile, to make up with people before we bring gifts to God, to treat others the same way we want to be treated. And while we may find this difficult and challenging, it is the way that Jesus calls his followers to love as he loves and as God love all of us. Really good job!! Now we are going to see in our next lesson "What Does Jesus Teach Us to Do?"
Do you have any questions regarding this lesson? *
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