Wyvern Theatre School Creative Maples at Hedge End Salvation Army Community Centre- Saturdays 9.30-11.00 am
Saturday 14th September - Saturday 14th December
Autumn One -  14th September - 19th October - £54
Autumn Two - 9th November - 14th December - £54
Whole term - £108
You may pay for half a term or a full term in the shop
We accept Pupil Premium funding to pay for this class.

In Google anmelden, um den Fortschritt zu speichern. Weitere Informationen
E-Mail-Adresse *
Untitled Title
Child's Name *
Year group *
Session duration choice *
I give permission for a suitable member of the team to change my child's nappy/pull up
Auswahl löschen
Next of kin contact number *
#2 Next of kin contact number *
Allergies/injury/ further details deemed relevant
Who will usually collect from the session *
Drs name and contact telephone number *
Please comment here any additional needs your child may have
I give permission to receive emails from WTS regarding this class. We will not use your data for any other communication and we will not share your email address. *
I understand that I am signing up for the whole term and will need to opt my child out if I do not wish them to continue by emailing wyverntheatreschool@gmail.com. *
Consent to use appropriate images for social media/ Website/Publicity *
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