Workshop with Phaedra Ensemble - Registration form

Celebrating participative new music making!

Sunday 10th March 2024

King’s Pavilion, University of Aberdeen, AB24 3FX

11am-1pm: Creative workshop with Phaedra Ensemble
Take part in a relaxed workshop led by members of Phaedra Ensemble, exploring how to work with your instrument or voice to create new sounds and interpret new music.
For musicians and singers of 15+ interested in engaging in contemporary music making.
All instruments and voices are welcome!
Places are limited so please book in advance!

Deadline to complete the form: 1st March 2024
Please check your spam folder if you haven't received and email from us by 5th March.

If you have any questions, please email
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Name *
Pronouns *
Postcode *
Telephone *
Email *
Which of the following applies to you?
Instrument / Voice type
Standard (please state grade level if appropriate) / Choir experience
Age (if under 18)
Name of parent/carer (if under 18)
Parent/carer mobile for emergency contact on the day (if under 18) 
Email of parent/carer (if under 18) 
Please confirm one of the following  (If under 18)  
By submitting this form, I have permission to attend this event. (if under 18)
Where did you hear about this opportunity? *
Media consent: Please let us know if we can take and share images and video footage of you/your child from this event. *
Would you like to receive future emails from us? *
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