Long Term Monitoring in Civil & Structural Design

This survey forms part of a research project looking at whether long-term monitoring data from structures can be used to improve the civil and structural engineering design process.

The survey is split into four sections:

1. Information about your engineering experience and current/most recent engineering employment.
2. Perceptions of unknowns and uncertainties in the existing civil/structural engineering design process.
3. Perceptions of current use of long-term monitoring in the civil/structural engineering design process.
4. Thoughts on future use of long-term monitoring in the civil/structural engineering design process.

All questions are optional and the survey may be discarded at any time. The survey will take approximately 10 to 20 minutes to complete.

This research is being undertaken by Zachariah Wynne as part of his PhD study. The research is overseen by the Institute of Infrastructure and Environment at the University of Edinburgh. For further information related to the project please contact Zachariah Wynne at Z.Wynne@sms.ed.ac.uk. Funding for this research is provided by EPSRC Doctoral Training Partnership Studentship (EP/R513209/1).

If you have any concerns about the conduct or content of this research please contact the Director of Research for the School of Engineering, University of Edinburgh, at DoR@eng.ed.ac.uk.

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