GiveBackHack Rocket Fuel Round Spring 2021 Application
In Spring 2021 GiveBackHack is bringing you a Design Sprint designed with GBH alumni in mind. GiveBackHack Rocket Fuel Round will help you Define, Prototype, and Test the biggest assumption you’re making about your current business challenge. If you have any questions, please reach out to
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Your Name:
Your Company:
How many team members do you have?
1-2 Sentence Description of your Company:
What is your biggest success to date?
What is the biggest question you need to answer about the next phase of your business?
What do you plan to test during the GBH Rocketfuel Round?
What do you view to be your next steps in your social enterprise journey?
Please feel free to expand on the next steps in your Social Enterprise journey:
What type of mentorship do you need?
Do you have a need for specific team members/volunteers? If so, please tell us more about your need.
What questions do you have about the Rocketfuel round experience?
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