2023 Education Transformation Jam Application
Note: We encourage you to save your answers to this application in a separate document BEFORE you hit the submit button, just in case you have any problems with submission so your work does not get lost.  We will send confirmation of your application within a few days of your submission, so you can rest assured your application has been received.

Due to the small and personal nature of the event, this questionnaire is longer and more in-depth than most, because we want to get to know you better. Please share as much as you feel comfortable sharing. There is no min/max length for responses and no pressure. We only ask you to share what you feel is 'enough'. We will follow up with more questions or a phone call if we need more information.

Also, please note that all of your answers, including your name and basic info, will be kept in full confidentiality.* Only the leadership team will have access to your application. The more the team learns about you, the more informed their decision about selection can be.

Participant selection will be based on multiple factors, including prioritizing the inclusion and representation of a diverse participant body. Space is limited. If you do not get accepted immediately, you may be placed on a wait list if space becomes available.

Thank you for applying!


*Some of us feel less comfortable with writing, and we want to provide ways that you can share honestly and authentically. If recording a voice memo would be easier for you, please fill out the required questions on this form and email the audio file to educationyesjam@gmail.com with the Subject Line: Ed Jam 2023 (Your Name)'s App Audio Responses

If you are submitting an audio recording, please limit responses to 1-2 minutes per question. This will help us to move through the reviewing process efficiently and effectively, while avoiding overwhelm with lengthy audio responses.


* Please note that if you are accepted, your name and bio will be shared with the other participants of your Jam just prior to the event. Following the Jam, we will put this information up on our website so that you can participate in the alumni community, unless you request otherwise.
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Complete Name *
Nickname (what you prefer to be called, if different):
Email *
Organization or Organizational Affiliation (if applicable):
Website of Group (if applicable):
Street Address *
City *
State/Province *
Zip/Postal Code *
Country *
Phone *
Birthday (Month/Day/Year) *
How did you hear about the Jam? We want to appreciate them! Please list sources by name:
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