The Honourable Todd Smith, Minister of Education
CC: Minister of Families, Children and Social Development Jenna Sudds, & Deputy Minister of Education Kate Manson-Smith, Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister of Education Billy Pang
RE: Canada-wide Early Learning and Child Care (CWELCC) Funding Model
July 24, 2024
Dear Minister Smith,
When the Federal Government announced the Canada Wide Early Learning and Child Care program, as an organization and a sector there was much excitement and anticipation. For the first time ever child care would become affordable to families. That is happening. We also hoped that the program would meet the needs of today: the emerging and deepening needs of children, and the needs and rights of educators to earn a living wage. That is not happening.
The cost of living in Toronto continues to rise. While the reduced child care fees have been positive for families, this means nothing without the Early Childhood Professionals who deliver the quality programs all children deserve. In tandem, there have been notable changes in the needs of children, following the Covid-19 pandemic, with many requiring specialized care and attention. Those working in the child care sector are experiencing the impact of this compounded stress. The child care sector is in crisis, and this crisis is directly connected to inadequate funding that would ensure equitable wages for all early childhood professionals.
As citizens of Toronto, we are signing on to this petition to share concerns about the current CWELCC implementation in Ontario and the impacts current funding is having on the sector, and most importantly, families, children and their Educators.
We demand you take immediate action to address funding shortfalls and cover the true cost of quality child care. This includes wages that are relevant to the cost of living in Toronto and acknowledge the important work of Early Childhood Professionals.