Trauma and Grief Writing: Own Your Story          
Trauma and grief need a witness.

One of the most profound ways to recover from trauma and grief experiences is to own, write, and share our stories. 

Join a small group - up to 6 participants - to support each other in a space that is safe, confidential, and vulnerable as we discover, write, and tell our toughest stories.

Group is facilitated by Kelly Wilson, Certified Trauma Recovery Coach, Grief Recovery Specialist, and veteran writer of more than twenty years. 

First, we will build a safe community with a set of ground rules that we all create.
Second, I will lead a grounding exercise. 
Third, I will provide a few prompts to get us started. We will write for a specific amount of time. 
Fourth, we'll take a short break, with snacks.
Fifth, we'll read our work. When the writer is done, we are allowed to respond with what resonated for us as witnesses to the story. No criticism of form or content allowed. 

Cost? Pay what you can

Interested? Sign up here for updates. More details to come during the summer!
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