Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's Rajendra Prasad Institute of Communication and Management
Alumni Registration Form
  • Rajendra Prasad Institute of Communication and Management is the flagship of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan’s professional educational initiatives. 
  • It offers multiple courses to learn professional skills in communication and management areas. It is also famous for making available professional skills to individuals in employment or those pursuing some other studies.
  • Bhavan's RPICM is running part-time Post Graduate Diploma courses in Communication and Management.
Contact Us: +91 74350 12121 (M)



Admin Office:  4th Floor, Bhavan's College Campus, Vidyagauri Nilkanth Marg, Khanpur, Ahmedabad – 380001 Gujarat

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Course Studied  *
Year of completion *
Name of the college *
State *
City *
Postal Address for correspondence *
Mobile Number (Whatsapp) *
Email  *
Educational Qualifications *
Name of the Company or Organisation in which you now work or you own. *
Your Post in this Company/Organisation *
Address of the company *
Are you connected with Bhavan's RPICM on Social Media? (If not please do) *
How would you like to contribute to your Alma Mater -Bhavan's RPICM?
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