BURST Node Questionnaire:
Should I host a BURST node?

if you answer "A" for any question then "Double Points"

5 Questions; Double Points for answering A; Max points 10;

If you score a 6/10 you might consider hosting a BURST BRS node.

Acceder a Google para guardar el progreso. Más información
Do you want to support the BURST Network? *
1 punto
Do you mine BURST? *
1 punto
Do you use BURST dApps like BTDEX? *
1 punto
Do you know what a VPS is and a BRS BURST node also? *
1 punto
If hosting your own BRS BURST node on VPS could help you access BURST dApps like BTDEX via Discord would you be interested? *
1 punto
6/10 or better? Join Goodplanets' Technologies Discord to learn more about hosting your own node.   Or visit https://www.burst-coin.org/resources/nds-award/
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