ODAC Summer Nights Parks Community Consultation 2024

In 2022 and 2023 the Orillia & District Arts Council partnered with the City of Orillia to present Orillia Summer Nights Park Programming. These programs brought activity and entertainment directly to local parks and parkettes. 

We are looking for your help in defining the programming for 2024.

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Previously, the Orillia Summer Nights Park Programming was held at Clayt French, Walter Henry, Homewood, High Street, Victoria, Hillcrest, and Lankinwood parks.

Were these suitable location for you/your family?

Is there another park you would prefer?  
If you participated in 2022 or 2023 ODAC Summer Nights programming, please indicate which programs you enjoyed. [Choose all that apply]
What kind of activities would you like to see? 
Previously, the Orillia Summer Nights program was held on Wednesdays from 6:00-8:00PM through July and August.

Was the day and time suitable for you to attend?


Do you have a suggestion on another day and time? 

Orillia Summer Nights programming is meant to bring community neighborhoods together.

Did you feel the activities were inclusive of diversity and equity?


What measures could be taken to improve diversity and inclusion?

What ages would you like programming geared towards? [Choose all that apply] 
What did you like best about the ODAC Summer Parks program? 
Do you intend to look for ODAC’s Summer Parks programming in 2024? 
Are you interested in helping design programming for your local park? 
If you chose 'YES' to help design the programming this summer, please provide your Name and Email (as a means to contact you).
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