Advent Training Range Hosting Request
This form is to request to host one of our courses at a range of your choosing so long as it meets the minimum following:

As a host you will receive a complimentary spot in the class as a token of appreciation. 

Requirements for host:
  • 10 target stands with boards
  • Enough backers for all target stands including replacements as needed for weather or wear.
  • A range that can accommodate the stands and is 25 yards in length and preferably at least 10 yards wide.
  • Class size needs to be a minimum of 8 students (including host)
  • Range should be within 1 hour of a major airport

If your facility meets the minimum above than proceed with the questionnaire to request hosting. 
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Email *
Facility Information
Range Type *
Is there anything about the range which I need to be aware of? *
Is there a classroom or meeting space available should a lecture need to be done in a controlled setting? *
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