The Mindful Content Creator Guest Post Submission Form
Share a piece of content you created as a result of one (or more) of the content prompts. This content can be any format, and it can be posted/shared on any platform where you post content.

In this form, I also ask more about who you are as a creator, so our community can get to know you. Feel free to share as much or as little as you'd like.
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Email *
Your Name *
Which prompt or prompts inspired the piece of content you're submitting? *
What format did you choose for this content (blog, newsletter, social post, video, audio, etc), and where did you share it (or where do you intend to share it)? *
Please share a link to the content, if it has already been posted or published. You may also copy/paste written content below. (If there is imagery or a video to accompany the post, you can share links to this as well, or just let me know and we can sort out a way for you to get these to me via a file sharing platform.)  *
Now I want to learn about you! Tell me a little about yourself and the content you create. *
What is your creative process as a content creator? (How you get inspired, how you best create, how often you create, etc.)
What does being a mindful content creator mean to you?
How can this community support you as a creator? If you're open to it, please list the platforms where you share content so we can follow and support you.
If you are open to collaborating with other content creators in the future, share how you might like to collaborate and how people can reach you.
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