Personal Training
Personal Training is the fastest way to maximize your training results and achieve your fitness goals. Personal Training provides the opportunity for you to work 1-on-1 with your coach with the singular focus being on YOU and YOUR Program.

Our IN-Depth Personal Training Starter Program is our entry level Personal Training package designed to help get our clients off to a great start by taking the time to get to know them, learn their goals and build a specific Personal Training Program for them.

IN-Depth Personal Training Starter Program:
$180 (3 x 1-on-1 Personal Training Sessions)
1-on-1 with a trainer best suited to your needs
Fitness Goal Setting
Depth T-shirt

In this program we provide 3-discounted Personal Training Sessions which allows us to properly introduce new clients to our Personal Training Programs. We want to get to know YOU and YOUR GOALS so by providing an early discount we can truly maximize our time with you once we develop YOUR PLAN.
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Name: *
Email: *
Date of Birth (day/month/year) *
Phone Number *
Preferred Contact Method *
Desired Start Date *
Current Fitness Level  *
Next Steps? Select most appropriate.  *
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