CTTT Learning Series: Session One
Saturday, May 16; 1:00pm (PT); 4:00pm (ET)

With the postponement of this year's National Gathering due to the Coronavirus pandemic, the Planning Team sent out a new Call for Proposals in order to offer CTTT members a regular, monthly opportunity to connect, to learn, to share. There will be sessions offered in coming months on STAR (Strategies for Trauma Awareness & Resilience), publishing your family history, why studying family history is so emotional, an introduction to the Doctrine of Discover, and more. We begin this month!

Tapping the Unrecognized Superpowers of Anti-Racism Allies
by Dr. David Campt, founder of the Dialogue Company and the White Ally Toolkit
This interactive virtual keynote will inspire and challenge you to think differently about the vital role of anti-racism allies in the movement for racial equity. Dr. Campt will provide insights about what allies need to do to successfully in undermining white realities of racism. He will suggest that allies do their inner work, but Dr. Campt will emphasize that allies immediately start making small active steps to strengthen their muscles of compassion and humility that are the anchors of effective persuasion.

This keynote will be provocative and stimulating on its own, and will also serve as a sample of the 5-session course that he is offering to the CTTT family starting in June. This course, called Empathy is Your Superpower:  How White Allies Can Boost Their Persuasive Skills, will be a chance for CTTT members and friends to get direct coaching on the skills of empathetic listening and honest disclosure that are proven best practices in undermining racism denial.

Deadline to RSVP is May 13. You’ll receive dial-in details prior to the call on May 16.
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