Founders' Day Celebration at the Carousel
A Family Friendly Event!  
Wed, February 28, from 5:30 - 7:30 PM at the Rotary Carousel.
Food truck, soft drinks, beer and wine. Plus ride the carousel and play cornhole.
Please RSVP below.  Rotarians are free. Guests are $20 each, with no charge for children and grandchildren 12 and under. Charges for guests will be on your April dues invoice.
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First Name
Last Name
Email address
Are you planning to attend the social?
How many guests are attending with you? Count anyone who is 13 or older.
Guests are $20/each. A charge will be included on your April dues invoice.
How many guests (children) will you have who are 12 and under?
There is no charge for children and grandchildren who are 12 and under.
Please provide the names of all of your guests. Indicate which ones, if any, are 12 and under.
Comments (optional)
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