REGISTRATION FORM - iTECLA International Conference on Intercultural Learning in the Digital Age & VI Valencian Workshop on Computer-Assisted Language Learning (Valencia 7-9 November 2019)
Dear participant,

You are kindly requested to complete this form INDIVIDUALLY to provide your registration information for the conference and workshop. Please bear in mind that ALL AUTHORS are required to complete the registration process explained below.

In order to complete registration properly it is necessary to:
(1) Fill in this form
(2) Pay the fee (120€ regular / 90€ students) into the account WHICH WILL SOON BE PROVIDED indicating the reference “YOUR SURNAME_iTECLA Conference + VI CALL workshop 2019”.
(3) Send a copy of the bank receipt (as well as proof of the students status, in the case of students) by e-mail to itecla @ and CC agimeno @

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E-mail *
Name(s): *
Surname(s) *
ID Number / DNI (Optional. Only for the purpose of issuing attendance/presentation certificates):
Affiliation: *
Type of participation: *
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