ECCLPs Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for Shifting Paradigms in Climate Change Education Form
Thank you for taking the time to share additional your question related to learning, understand, or using the provided resources. Experts in the field including various ECCLPs leaders will respond to most frequently submitted questions and the ECCLPs resource hub will be updated to include those questions.

*For other questions or comments please email Jennifer Cao at
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Please select one of the seven key focus areas to submit a question you are curious about. *
Note: If you have questions regarding multiple areas, please submit one form at a time for each area.
Please share your question here that would help teachers to navigate this paradigm shift.  *
We will route the question(s) to our ECCLPs leaders in relevant fields, and if we receive similar numerous questions we will update the ECCLPs and StC resource hub to reflect that question to support PK-12 educators.
Optional: If you would like a direct response, please provide your email address (otherwise your response will remain anonymous).
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