Mama Bear Blanket Project Request Form
Please fill out this form to nominate someone to receive a Mama Bear Blanket.

The MAMA BEAR BLANKET PROJECT delivers no sew handmade blankets to LGBTQ people who don't have supportive family. The hope is that the blankets delivered to them will serve as a reminder that there is someone who loves and cares about them. Moms of LGBTQ kids who are members of the Mama Bear private Facebook group are invited to make no-sew fleece blankets and mail them to nominated recipients.

Blankets can only be shipped to residents in the United States
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Name of person filling out the form *
First and Last name of person to receive the blanket *
Full address where blanket should be sent (include street address, state, city and zip code) *
LGBTQ+ Identity of Recipient  (lesbian, gay, trans, bisexual etc.?) *
Gender Identity of Recipient *
Pronouns of Recipient *
Why are you nominating this person
Your email address in case we have a question *
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