Sign-up for The SHG Valentine’s Day Exchange at the Kraken Community Iceplex:
Everyone is invited! Come and participate with other homeschool families in our community, whether you are new to SHG, or you’ve been a part of the SHG for a long time. We’ll Ice Skate together at the new Kraken Community Iceplex and celebrate, kindness, and friendship with a fun Valentine’s Day Exchange. **please sign-up for the Valentine Exchange by 2/7/23

What: SHG Valentine’s Day exchange and Ice Skating at the Kraken!
When: Thursday 2/9/2023
Ice skate Time: 11 AM – 12:00 PM,
Valentine’s exchange: 12:00 PM – 12:30PM
Where: Seattle Kraken Iceplex, 10601 5th Ave NE, Seattle, WA 98125@ Kraken
Cost: $11 per person, fee includes access to rink and skate rentals. (*No need to pay if you are not skating)
Payments: We are collecting payment via PayPal, search for our group name 'Seattle Homeschool Group' or by email address at:
(In the PayPal memo please write the name of the people you are paying for. Thank you :) 

*You can also pay via check, or cash day of. Just note in the form below.
*Financial assistance available to those who need it. (To request it, just make a note in form below.)

Please contact Leanne at: if you have any additional questions!
Email *
Parent's Name
How many kids/adults will be Ice skating?
Please plan to bring one box for each child or one box per family. How many boxes will your family have at the exchange?
Please list here the family name or child(ren)'s names that will be on each of your boxes.
Let us know if you are interested in helping out! We are looking for volunteers to help with the following:
Comments and/or questions
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