Revamping Goodreads : Your voice matters in shaping the Book Application Experience

I am Manish Kr Basu. 
A design student from IIT Guwahati, India. 

Thank you for taking the time to participate in this survey.

I, along with my college mates, are working on redesigning the Goodreads platform, a popular online community for book lovers.
We are conducting this survey to gather your valuable insights and opinions regarding applications related to books. Your input will help us understand your experiences with existing apps and identify areas where we can enhance Goodreads' features, functionality, and user experience.

*Please note that your responses will be treated with the utmost confidentiality and used only for research purposes. All data collected will be anonymised and reported in aggregate to maintain your privacy. Your participation in this survey is entirely voluntary, and you have the option to withdraw at any time.

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